Wolfeboro Public Library

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Wolfeboro Public Library

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Library Card Policy

Wolfeboro Public Library Card Policy


Residents/Property Owners

Year-round residents and/or owners of real estate in Wolfeboro are eligible to receive a library card at no charge. These cards are valid for two years from the date of issue and may be renewed at no charge provided they still meet eligibility requirements. Proof of residency or property ownership must be presented.



  • Students

          No charge shall be made to students eligible to attend the K-12 schools in the Governor Wentworth Regional                    School district in the towns of Brookfield, Effingham, Middleton, New Durham, Ossipee, Tuftonboro, and                            Wolfeboro, or students who attend Brewster Academy.

          These cards will expire on August 31 of the current school year unless the student is a senior, in which case              the card expires on June 30 of their graduation year.


  • GWRSD Employees

          All employees of GWRSD K-12 schools located in the towns of Brookfield, Effingham, Middleton, New Durham,                Ossipee, Tuftonboro, and Wolfeboro are eligible for non-resident GWRSD cards at no charge. These cards expire           on August 31 of the current school year.


  • Town of Wolfeboro Employees

          Non-resident employees of the Town of Wolfeboro are eligible for a library card at no charge. These cards expire              one year from the date of issue.


  • All Others

          All other non-residents may purchase a library card.

         The rates are:

                         ♦ one year at $50 per household

                         ♦ six months at $30

                         ♦ or three months for $20

          When current library cards issued to non-residents and non-taxpayers expire, they will need to pay the fee to                    renew the card. Encourage non-residents, especially those buying three or six month  cards, to get a single                       “family” card.  List the names of individuals who have permission to use the family card on the patron’s record.


There is a fee of $2.50 to replace lost library cards. Cards damaged due to normal wear and tear can be replaced at no charge.





Adopted by the Wolfeboro Public Library Board of Trustees 7/10/15; Revised 10/07/16; Revised 11/4/16.