Wolfeboro Public Library

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Wolfeboro Public Library

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Library Policies

Gardiner Library Mission Statement
Gardiner Library’s mission is to connect people, ideas, information, and technology, to enrich lives and strengthen our community, in a welcoming and inclusive atmosphere accessible to all.

Vision Statement
Your place to learn, connect, share and belong.

Strategic Plan
Strategic Plan 2023-2026 The purpose of a strategic plan is to outline the Library’s mission, goals, activities, and intended results, and describe how the Library is meeting the service needs of its community and its participation in meeting statewide library service goals.

Public Policies

Art Exhibit and Tiny Roost Exhibit Policy and Application The Gardiner Library welcomes artists to display their work in the lobby and Community Room as well as the outdoor Tiny Roost.

Barring Problem Patrons Policy Patrons who have been found in repeated violation of library policies, including the Policy Regarding Library Patron Behavior, by library staff will be subject to being barred from the library.

Collection Development Policy and Statment of Concern Form The purpose of the Gardiner Library’s Collection Development Policy is to provide guidelines for the selection, acquisition and withdrawal of materials in accordance with our mission. The Board of Trustees of the Gardiner Library has established a Collection Development Policy and a procedure for gathering input about particular items.

Community Room Use Policy and Application The Library’s Community Room is primarily to be used for Library-sponsored and co-sponsored programs and activities. As a public institution, the Library also tries to share these limited facilities with local non-profit community groups and organizations.

Computing Assistance Policy The Gardiner Library is not an authorized computer service dealer and Library personnel, including staff and volunteers, are not specifically trained for providing computing assistance to patrons.

Display Case and Bulletin Board Policy It is the policy of the Library, as part of its mission to enrich the quality of life, to provide space for exhibits and displays from the Library’s collection and through those of other local community agencies or individuals.

Incident Report Form To be filled out by injured party and staff member.

Internet Use Policy All users of electronic information resources, such as the Internet, are expected to use these resources in a responsible manner, consistent with the cultural, recreational, educational and informational purposes for which they are provided.

Library Card Policy Obtaining a library card.

Patron Code of Conduct Everyone is welcome to use the library's facilities; however, every patron must comply with the policy on behavior which prohibits all conduct that materially disrupts the use of the library facilities, collections or services.

Privacy and Confidentiality Policy The Gardiner Library gathers personal information about cardholders for the express purpose of efficiently and effectively operating the Library. We are committed to protecting the privacy and confidentiality of our users.

Programming Policy The Gardiner Library supports its mission of connecting people with the world of ideas and information by developing and presenting programs that provide additional opportunities for information, learning, and entertainment. Programming is an integral component of library service.

Social Media Policy The Gardiner Library is committed to providing an online environment where all members of the community may come to read, share opinions, discuss, and exchange ideas presented in the library’s digital space.

Unattended Children Policy The Gardiner Library welcomes children of all ages. Parents are held responsible for the safety, care, and conduct of their children.

Volunteer Policy The Gardiner Library (“Library”) believes volunteer opportunities offer citizens a way to contribute to the community and learn more about the Library, as they help the Library meet its mission, achieve its goals, and expand and enrich its services while making the best use of its fiscal resources.

We support the following American Library Association statements:
Freedom to Read
Freedom to View
Library Bill of Rights
Access to Library Resources and Services for Minors

The Gardiner Library Board of Trustees passed a Resolution Against Banned Books in August of 2023.