Income 2025*
Charges and Fines $1,000
Other $15,268
Local Library Service Aid $1,400
Program Income $6,200
Fundraisers $51,400
Other Donations $21,500
School Taxes $13,000
Gardiner Town Taxes $323,765
Total Income $433,533
*Grants vary year to year with finance specific requests, consequently they are not factored into the annual budget.
Expenses 2025
Accounting/Legal $8,000
Other $9,400
Fundraising Fees $5,250
Advertising $1,500
Automation $19,043
Programming $21,000
Equipment $5,500
Garden Maintenance $4,000
Books $9,900
Digital Collections $15,000
Recordings (Audiobooks) $800
DVDs $800
Office Supplies $4,000
Telephone $2,500
Alarm Monitoring $1,700
Internet $1,600
Cleaning and Trash Removal $8,450
Library Service Contracts $1,800
Building Repairs $9,700
Insurance $6,300
Utilities $22,000
Mortgage $64,620
Employee $210,670
Total Expenses $433,533